Miami Township Fire-Rescue (MTFR) is a primarily volunteer department consisting
of three full-time employees, eight part-time employees, and 38 volunteer members.
We provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) emergency medical transportation, fire prevention and suppression,
rescue services, and safety education to the residents and over 1 million
annual visitors to our service area. MTFR responds to emergencies in a 24
square mile area, encompassing the villages of Clifton and Yellow
Springs and the unincorporated parts
of Miami Township. This area includes John Bryan State Park, the Clifton Gorge State
Nature Preserve, the Glen Helen Ecology Institute and Antioch College. Services
are provided from two fire stations, located in Clifton and Yellow Springs.
MTFR’s full-time employees, Chief Colin Altman, Assistant Chief Denny Powell
and Fire Lieutenant Nate Ayers provide weekday coverage along with part-time
staff members and available volunteers. Department volunteers provide weeknight and weekend
coverage. Chief Altman and Asst. Chief Powell
rotate on-call shift commander coverage at night.
We are funded both through a property tax levy that has consistently
received overwhelming support during elections as well as by
EMS Transport Billing which
effective October 1st, 2007.
Do you have an escape plan in case of fire?

Click here to download a home escape plan
